Friday, July 5, 2013

In The Beginning

I guess the best place to start this blog is at the beginning.

My name is Kirsten Bower and I am a Thompson Rivers University student who decided to spend her third year abroad. The University of Chichester in England had accepted me for an academic year (about 9 months) which is both exciting, terrifying and slightly confusing.

The Exciting: 
  • Living in a new country
  • Meeting new people
  • Life experience
  • Watching Doctor Who when it ACTUALLY airs
The Terrifying:
  • Living in a new country
  • Studying in a new country
  • VISA applications
The Slightly Confusing:
  • Honestly? Me? You people want me at your University? 
The purpose of this blog is just to record the whole experience for family, friends and any other onlookers who want to see what it's like to study abroad. So I guess it's time for Something Completely Different. 


  1. I am so excited for you and look forward to reading about your adventures.

  2. Yay. I can live vicariously through you...
