Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Insert Clever Title Here

Hello once again!

So what's been happening this past week? Well Evie and Hayley moved back in for the new semester. Harriet isn't back until the 4th of February because of her program. I've had 3 of 4 classes and so far they don't look too bad. My history classes are going to flow together quite nicely because they are both focused heavily on the world wars, one being about contemporary Europe and the other about Facism up to 1945. My english courses shouldn't be too bad this year. There's a creating writing class (short stories) and then a contemporary drama course. I haven't had the intro class yet, that's tomorrow. But judging by the Moodle (online class resource) it's not too different from the english drama courses I did back at TRU. I actually really enjoyed those classes so this one should be good. According to the Moodle we are going to see a play for that class as well so I'm very much looking forward to that.

In other news I've redyed my hair, with help from Hayley so I'm back in the shocking red territory. Why can't my hair just grow this colour? Scientists should get on that. I'm also back focusing on the whole dieting thing. I've been eating way too much comfort food so that needs to stop. The good thing about doing it now is that almost every girl on my housing block also seems to be into the eating healthy thing so there's less outside temptation. That being said my birthday is coming up and I'm eating what I like that day. Diets resume on Mondays, as does running.

Speaking of running, the mornings here are ridiculous! There's heavy fog and frost so the sidewalks are slippery and it's hard to see five feet down the road. I've actually been too nervous to cross a road because I can't see oncoming cars. By midday it all clears up and it's quite sunny and warm. Then by about dinner time it gets cold and rainy. I can't seem to dress appropriately so I'm always either too hot or too cold. Ugh.

That's all I've got for now, sorry there's no pictures this week! I'll try to get a picture of the fog over here one of these mornings.

All my love to everyone!

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