Friday, July 26, 2013

Things Pick Up Speed

Guess who (finally) got a CAS number!!

Yes, after much stress, waiting and more stress the golden number finally arrived. With it I was able to fill out the online application portion of my VISA papers. For those of you who don't know, this is how it works:

Step 1:
Stumble around the VISA website looking for the online application option.

Step 2: 
Find option.
Start reading EVERY piece of text on the web page so you don't miss a prompt or requirement.

Step 3:
Start filling out information in the lovely pop up window.
Write down EVERY number they give you, along with what it's for. Or what you think it's for if the website is not clear. (Hint: It's never very clear, write it down anyway.)

Step 4:
Payment! Yes, you have to pay to get a UK visa. And guess what? It's expensive. Not as bad as Australia, but damn close.
Of course, after you finish paying, the lovely pop up window will inform you that must now wait 24 hours for the payment to process. It will also tell you between what times you need to log in to complete the process. I was informed I had to log in between 10am and 11am. (Can you guess who was supposed to be working at that time? Thank god I have understanding managers and awesome coworkers who easily switched the shift!)

Step 5:
After waiting the 24 hours and logging in between your appointed hours, you are then informed the first part of the process is done and you must now make an appointment at the consulate for your interview.

Step 6:
Make that appointment and pay $63.00 for the pleasure. Note: there is a free appointment option but I was too worried to choose that one in case it wasn't the right one. The first option I was given was called Prime Time Appointment and I just went with that. Those who like to live on the edge can choose other options, I'm not here to tell you how to live your life.

So now I have an appointment and my required documents are all together in a folder waiting for the trip. I actually added a few documents not called for but I feel safer having with me. Things like proof of finances, acceptance letter from my host university and my health insurance information for when I'm gone. I doubt they will need it but just in-case it's asked for I'd like to be prepared.

One month to go! I feel both excited and slightly sick.

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