Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Hello all!

So as you may or may not know, I turned 21 this past Sunday! I didn't have a big party or anything, just hung out with my roommates and friends from next door, but it was great! I made myself a vanilla funfetti cake, which is basically a white cake with sprinkles mixed through it. Generally you see Betty Crocker boxed mixes for it but I did mine from scratch. It was nice to bake again, it's been a while since I last did anything.

Mmm Cake!

I did add candles in the shape of a 21 when we all got down to the eating part. Jim and Nikki from next door came over to help Evie, Hayley and I eat it. Harriet is still away on holiday so she didn't get a piece! I wasn't nice enough to save some for her. SORRY HARRIET!! 

Like every year I ordered Chinese for dinner. The Lotus, while delicious was not Lucky Yeung's and I  miss my spicy pork and bean dish. I'll have to get some when I get back home. 

As far as gifts went, I had saved a few Christmas presents to be bday presents. So my skittles from Sherry and the tea from my parents weren't opened until now. On Monday I received a lovely package from my cousin Mary containing a jar of Cheese Wiz. I've been craving the stuff like MAD! 

After all the eating of cake, Nikki, Hayley, Evie and I all went to see American Hustle at the theatre. That movie is LONG! I can see why its up for oscars to be honest. They like their long and plot heavy flicks. All in all it was a pretty good movie though. 

What else? Oh! I was able to FaceTime home on my birthday. It was really nice to talk to my Ma and Dad. They sang Happy Birthday too which was really sweet. Too bad there isn't a hugging app that comes with FaceTime. Oh well. 

Other than my birthday it's been quiet. I've been doing reading for my classes and trying not to let the crappy weather get me down. It's cold and rainy. At least my Hunter boots and welly socks are getting good use! 

My plan for today is to do a bit more baking. I've got a bunch of baking ingredients than need to be used in the next day or so before they expire. 

OH! I purchased my plane ticket home! May 18th! I'm looking forward to being back on Canadian soil. 

I hope everyone is doing well! 

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