So this week is a break for me. Shocking I know. It seems too early actually but there you go. We have no break in March but then we have two weeks off again for Easter in April. At TRU I'm used to one break for reading week mid semester and then a long weekend for Easter. None of this two week break stuff. Mind you, back home mid to end of April is the final exam period and then it's summer holidays until September. Over here we started later and go later into the year so I guess it all balances out. I will be using the second week of Easter vacation to go to Copenhagen though so I guess it all works out well in the end. More on that later!
What's new around here? I'm getting better now. Still on the penicillin but overall I'm good. I'm back out running so I'm happy. There's a lot of people getting sick here at the university so it's not surprising that I got sick in the first place. I'm hoping that's the end of illness for me though. I'll likely get a cold or two but those I can deal with. I hate missing class and last week I missed all of my classes. Not good.
As far as England goes, I know some of you are wondering about the flooding across the UK. It hasn't affected me much here in Chichester though I know it has been an issue for some people. It's wreaked havoc on the trains and transport systems so travelling around can be very difficult, with lots of delays, cancellations and detours. One of my roommates got stuck due to train delays just this past weekend. In Bognor Regis, one of the popular night clubs Sheiks was closed temporarily due to the storms. It's on the pier so I'm not surprised. It does put a damper on the partying that happens around here though. Sheiks is one of the favourite spots for Uni students on Wednesday nights. That's off topic though, sorry. Weather! It's been heating up during the days so we're almost on an even number of sunny days to rainy days now. I'm sure that will change though, as we're not even into the "rainy" season yet apparently. I'm not sure I want to know what that looks like. I've been wearing my wellie boots and my rain jacket as standard apparel so I've been at least a little bit dry when I go out. I forgot how great a pair of rubber boots are.
Other than that, it's quiet as always. I've been trying to keep up with the Olympics but haven't actually seen any events. No TV for me. Probably a good thing, no one ever NEEDS TV. Still I miss the background noise!
Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and having a good February!
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