Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Just My Luck

Hello all!

So I've had an eventful week, if you didn't see it all on Facebook. That roof leak that came back? Well since it's going through my lighting and the all powerful bucket trick didn't work, I had to move out of Havenstoke and into a temporary room. No word yet on how long it will take to fix the damn leak either so who knows how long I will be here for. Worst case scenario is that I will be here until Christmas. Not. Pleased. At least the people here in Springfield 5 are a lovely bunch. I do miss having immediate access to an oven though. If I want to use an oven I have to go up to Havenstoke because the Springfield blocks are catered residence and don't have a "full" kitchen. I'm self catered so it really eats into what I'm able to make for dinner. I'm eating a lot of stir fry. Not that that's a bad thing really.

Alright, enough of my tales of woe. On Saturday I FINALLY made my way up to London! I met up with a friend of mine, Jane, who I had worked with back at Chapters. She moved back to England in May so I haven't seen her in ages.

The lovely Jane!

So Jane was awesome and showed me around the touristy bits of London. We did Buckingham Palace (which is somehow even bigger in person), the British Museum (SO MUCH COOL STUFF) and then made our way over to Parliament and Big Ben. The following are pictures of that lovely sequence of events.

They make you pay to use the bathrooms at the train

Near Buckingham was this gorgeous park with PELICANS!

Traditional tourist picture with a phone booth.

Only picture I took inside the British Museum:
David Tennant on money in honour of Doctor Who.

Another traditional tourist shot! Yay Big Ben!

Two in one! The Thames AND the London Eye. 

I also made my way into the Apple store on Regent street (the BIG Apple store) so I could finally get myself a working laptop. I'm happy to inform everyone that my Macbook Air works wonderfully and I've already made good headway on assignments now that I have a working and reliable computer to do so! 

That's all for this week guys! Have a very Happy Halloween!

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