So I've officially made it into November! It's funny how time is flying now. I guess that's what happens when you have deadlines rapidly approaching. I didn't get nearly as much done as I wanted to over reading week so my personal deadline schedule has to be re-done. Oh well. I have all the information I was missing last time to get it all done so as long as I don't let stuff get ahead of me it will all turn out fine.
My last week was rather uneventful. I kicked a cold and then caught a new one, hung out with the Springfield roommates, and learned that while the tear has been repaired in the Havenstoke roof, it's unlikely I'll be back in any time soon. They ARE going to deep clean my carpeting so hopefully that will get rid of any water damage/mould that might be lurking in there. Oh and maybe help the smell. I went up to it the other day and it smelled like someone died in there. Awesome right? (Yes, that is sarcasm.)
In other news, I have experienced my first Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes Day. November 5th is, of course, the day where people commemorate a man who failed to blow up Parliament. I will admit, while I heard a lot of fire works I did not go out. I looked for info on public gatherings/bonfires but it seems like the public fireworks shows will be this weekend and the stuff that happened ON November 5th was private parties. Understandable as it was a Tuesday. Other events coming up are obviously Remembering Sunday and Remembrance Day. Over here they do Remembering Sunday and Monday is just a day like any other. I have purchased my poppy, and am wearing it daily so that's my contribution. I'd love to go go a ceremony but I haven't seem much information about things happening in Chichester. My google-fu skills have told me that most people will go to the big ceremony in Portsmouth instead. I was waffling for a while on whether or not I should go up to London again and see the ceremony there but I decided that I wanted to go on the International trip to Oxford instead. Can't do both sadly.
That's about all I've got for this week. Please enjoy a photo of my poppy!
They're quite different, and less pokey!
Hey Kirsten....Oxford Uni is amazingt and I'm sure you will go there when you go to Oxford. Portsmouth is where Jordan's grandmother lived while growing up. We went there and took a picture of her house and showed it to her....Yes that was 24 years ago, very old school and it was a developed picture from a camera. I hope the "boys" aren't too hard on you there.....glad you are rolling with the punches.!!!!! The way time is going Ma & Pa will be there before you know it!